rapid global consumer testing

We're making consumer feedback easier for marketers.

Stickybeak gets you fast and affordable feedback from your target audience before you launch new brands, products, campaigns or enter new markets. Testing from only £289.

rapid global consumer testing

We're making consumer feedback easy for marketers

Stickybeak gets you fast and affordable feedback from your target audience before you launch new brands, products, campaigns or enter new markets.

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Pre-test your marketing with real consumers

Stickybeak takes care of the research-y bits, so you can quickly and affordably test your brands, campaigns, and products with real consumers! 

Feedback in 48 hours (or less)!

Actionable AI-enhanced results

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Get a truthier truth

“It was a great and quick tool to help take the guesswork out of our decision making.”

Emily Thorn | Global Innovation

get customer feedback from over 200 geographies worldwide

Make your marketing more effective.