. . . but three low economy countries make the top five
Three years after launch, Stickybeak has surveyed millions of people in 65 countries in more than 20 languages for hundreds of clients as varied as the World Health Organisation, Golin, SC Johnson and Tetra Pak.
Our respondents, who are real people not professional panellists, have a choice of a lucky dip to win cash or donating the value of that ‘ticket’ to Oxfam as a reward for answering our questions. Each month we send cash to our winners and each quarter we send a cheque to Oxfam.
There are some distinct national differences emerging between the cash versus charity donation choice our respondents make.

Italy is the clear leader in donations to Oxfam. 64% of Italians answer our ten questions and then happily give away their chance of cash to Oxfam. In this sense, Italians are our most generous nation.
A big “thanks” to our generous Italian respondents, but people from a richer country donating more than those in countries with a greater need for cash is perhaps not surprising.
However, three of the top five most generous countries are amongst the lowest income per capita in the world. More than 50% of respondents from Cambodia, Mongolia and Laos all donated their chance of winning cash to Oxfam. France also made the top 5.
The statistics reflect an incredible generosity by our respondents in Cambodia, Mongolia and Laos but they are also probably testament to the wonderful work on the ground in those countries undertaken by our terrific partner Oxfam. Oxfam is well known and well regarded for the work it does in these countries and so local people donate to it more often. They know Oxfam works for them and so they support it.
Here’s some more information on the programmes and initiatives of Oxfam in Cambodia, Mongolia and Laos. We’re proud to work with Oxfam and look forward to helping more in the future and thanks to ALL our wonderful respondents for their continued generosity.