Four days
Full results were back in only four days
Two markets
Respondents targeted in New Zealand and Australia
Key insights
Insights used to inform decisions and refine positioning
The Client
Tasti Foods was established in the 1930s in New Zealand. It is the market leader in wrapped snacks in New Zealand and is looking to drive growth in Australia.
The Challenge
Tasti Products faces stiff competition from established brands and was looking at ways to drive brand saliency in Australia while retaining brand connection to the New Zealand market.
Tasti needed insight into how the two markets would respond to a change in brand positioning, logo, and tagline. They needed research in both markets that was affordable and would provide results fast.
The Approach
Enter Stickybeak – in collaboration with Tasti, a fast and engaging survey was developed that targeted household shoppers on Facebook and Instagram. 100 household shoppers were targeted in both New Zealand and Australia.
The purpose of the New Zealand survey was to ensure potential changes aligned with the current market while the Australian survey looked to test brand positioning that resonated more strongly and would drive grow in that market.
People were asked their view on a range of positioning statements, logos and taglines.
The Result
The research helped Tasti make decisions with confidence about their brand and its future positioning in both New Zealand and Australia.
We’re sure Tasti will go from strength to strength in New Zealand, Australia and beyond – and look forward to working with them as they continue to deliver their uniquely, delicious products to the world!