Four years ago this week, my co-founders and I launched Stickybeak in London, New York and Cannes and this week our CEO and her team are back in London launching our new testing product.
Back in 2019 we were totally self funded and operating on a tiny budget so a global launch was all a bit splashy and showy.
Happily that vainglorious introduction made some of you curious enough to give us a go and prove our first thesis that quant research was hard to buy, slow and expensive and if someone could fix that you would buy more of it more often.
Since then Stickybeak has run thousands of polls with millions of consumers in every region of the world for clients like the World Health Organisation, Unilever, Dole, Vodafone, Ogilvy, Golin, Klook, Zespri, Tetra-Pak, Shiseido and SCJ.
And behind the scenes we have continually improved and developed the product and learned heaps and we’ve even raised money twice from real investors so it’s all just a bit more proper now.
Initially we recruited survey respondents on Meta platforms only, but now we operate across TikTok, YouTube, Twitter and Meta which means that quite literally we have the world’s biggest consumer research ‘panel’.
But unlike those traditional panels that all the other quantitative providers rely on, our respondents are real people not professional form fillers and that has meant we provided data that people have come to rely on because it’s from real people going about their real lives.
During the pandemic for example, Stickybeak was testing World Health Organisation messaging and creative in real time with difficult-to-reach consumer segments in markets in just about every region of the world. We think it was about the most important quant polling done by anyone at that time.
In fact it was exactly the type of work we were being asked to do more and more. Testing rather than traditional insights type research.
Our consumer insights work, based on traditional survey style questions was used by companies, brands and agencies to get a better understanding of consumer sentiment prior to campaign or strategy origination. We still do loads of this and we love it and please keep it coming.
But testing means you have a hypothesis or a piece of creative or a message and you want a more binary response from your consumer. Do you prefer this or this or this or this?

So for as little as $350 you can upload and test that message, creative, positioning, packaging or influencer with your exact target consumer group anywhere in the world. You can do it yourself through our incredibly easy to use interface or have our team help you with it.
If you’ve mastered ordering an Uber eats dinner for your family or friends, you can use our interface and launch your own polls and tests. No decision or hypothesis is too small to test now.
Our new testing interface is even easier, faster and more engaging for your consumers than the original polling one.
To give you the data you need, they simply swipe the options you put before them much like they do on their favourite social apps using their thumbs, because ‘thumbs don’t lie’ as we say in our new brand film here:
It takes them seconds and because we interrupt them on the bus in the cafe or when they are lying on the couch, it’s much more akin to real life consumer decision-making than asking professional respondents sat behind laptops in darkened rooms like those traditional consumer panels. We think this gives you ‘truthier truths’.
So Stickybeak still gives you access to the world’s biggest consumer panel, but now you can test as well as get insights faster, and more cost effectively and as you can still self-serve, there’s no need for expensive and long winded research agencies.

Give it a go or if you are in London this week and want an in person demo, please connect with the two Anna’s who are there doing just this and seeing customers and generally being bloody useful. In-person or remote demo’s booked here.
Thanks to all of you that trusted us in those early days when we were very much in beta and please give our new testing product a trial. I think you’ll be amazed at how easy it is.