The brilliant Tom Fishbourne’s latest cartoon made Stickybeak laugh, but also reminded us that change is hard for the marketer - you’re often ‘damned if you do and damned if you don’t’!
And of course that’s where testing can help.
You might think you need to change your creative, your claims, your logo or your packaging but you have to go with more than a hunch.
And then there will be those around you that need convincing; that perhaps are emotionally attached to how things have been done or have old data and hunches of their own.
Often those people will be more senior to you.

That’s where Stickybeak rapid consumer testing has been helping marketers for the last four years for brands like Unilever, L’Oréal, Dole and TetraPak.
For as little as $350 a shot, we can get those new ideas in front of your target consumers and get their reaction to them fast. And we get to more people in more markets globally than any other traditional panel provider and to loads of niche and special interests groups and almost certainly your target consumer.
That means you can rely on a little more than ‘five people in a room guessing’. And you have the data to show your boss or your teams and agency partners and so you can move right along and not get held up arguing on hunches. And you don’t have to break the budget or have meetings with tedious research agencies.
Of course, to Tom Fishbourne’s point, your consumer might tell you not to change (or not to change to ‘that’) and in which case ‘great’ you can get on with something else.